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Having thousands of CIPP-US customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully IAPP exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

CIPP-US Practice Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following is an important implication of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?


Financial institutions must avoid collecting a customer’s sensitive personal information


Financial institutions must help ensure a customer’s understanding of products and services


Financial institutions must use a prescribed level of encryption for most types of customer records


Financial institutions must cease sending e-mails and other forms of advertising to customers who opt out of direct marketing


Financial institutions must help ensure a customer’s understanding of products and services

Question # 2

Sarah lives in San Francisco, California. Based on a dramatic increase in unsolicited commercial emails, Sarah believes that a major social media platform with over 50 million users has collected a lot of personal information about her. The company that runs the platform is based in New York and France.
Why is Sarah entitled to ask the social media platform to delete the personal information they have collected about her?


Any company with a presence in Europe must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation globally, including in response to data subject deletion requests.


Under Section 5 of the FTC Act, the Federal Trade Commission has held that refusing to delete an individual’s personal information upon request constitutes an unfair practice.


The California Consumer Privacy Act entitles Sarah to request deletion of her personal information.


The New York “Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security” (SHIELD) Act requires that businesses under New York’s jurisdiction must delete customers’ personal information upon request.


The California Consumer Privacy Act entitles Sarah to request deletion of her personal information.

Question # 3

In which situation would a policy of “no consumer choice” or “no option” be expected?


When a job applicant’s credit report is provided to an employer 


When a customer’s financial information is requested by the government


When a patient’s health record is made available to a pharmaceutical company


When a customer’s street address is shared with a shipping company


When a customer’s street address is shared with a shipping company

Question # 4

What is a legal document approved by a judge that formalizes an agreement between a governmental agency and an adverse party called?


A consent decree


Stare decisis decree


A judgment rider


Common law judgment


A consent decree

Question # 5

Which of the following describes the most likely risk for a company developing a privacy policy with standards that are much higher than its competitors?


Being more closely scrutinized for any breaches of policy


Getting accused of discriminatory practices


Attracting skepticism from auditors


Having a security system failure


Being more closely scrutinized for any breaches of policy

Question # 6

What consumer protection did the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) require?


The ability for the consumer to correct inaccurate credit report information


The truncation of account numbers on credit card receipts


The right to request removal from e-mail lists


Consumer notice when third-party data is used to make an adverse decision


The truncation of account numbers on credit card receipts

Question # 7

Please use the following to answer the next question:
Jane is a U.S. citizen and a senior software engineer at California-based Jones Labs, a major software supplier to the U.S. Department of Defense and other U.S. federal agencies. Jane's manager, Patrick, is a French citizen who has been living in California for over a decade. Patrick has recently begun to suspect that Jane is an insider secretly transmitting trade secrets to foreign intelligence. Unbeknownst to Patrick, the FBI has already received a hint from anonymous whistleblower, and jointly with the National Security Agency is investigating Jane's possible implication in a sophisticated foreign espionage campaign.
Ever since the pandemic, Jane has been working from home. To complete her daily tasks she uses her corporate laptop, which after each login conspicuously provides notice that the equipment belongs to Jones Labs and may be monitored according to the enacted privacy policy and employment handbook. Jane also has a corporate mobile phone that she uses strictly for business, the terms of which are defined in her employment contract and elaborated upon in her employee handbook. Both the privacy policy and the employee handbook are revised annually by a reputable California law firm specializing in privacy law. Jane also has a personal iPhone that she uses for private purposes only.
Jones Labs has its primary data center in San Francisco, which is managed internally by Jones Labs engineers. The secondary data center, managed by Amazon AWS, is physically located in the UK for disaster recovery purposes. Jones Labs' mobile devices backup is managed by a mid-sized mobile defense company located in Denver, which physically stores the data in Canada to reduce costs. Jones Labs MS Office documents are securely stored in a Microsoft Office 365 data center based in Ireland. Manufacturing data of Jones Labs is stored in Taiwan and managed by a local supplier that has no presence in the U.S.
Before inspecting any GPS geolocation data from Jane's corporate mobile phone, Patrick should first do what?


Obtain prior consent from Jane pursuant to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act


Revise emerging workplace privacy best practices with a reputable advocacy organization.


Obtain a subpoena from law enforcement, or a court order, directing Jones Labs to collect the GPS geolocation data.


Ensure that such activity is permitted under Jane's employment contract or the company's employee privacy policy.


Ensure that such activity is permitted under Jane's employment contract or the company's employee privacy policy.

Question # 8

California’s SB 1386 was the first law of its type in the United States to do what?


Require commercial entities to disclose a security data breach concerning personal information about the state’s residents


Require notification of non-California residents of a breach that occurred in California


Require encryption of sensitive information stored on servers that are Internet connected


Require state attorney general enforcement of federal regulations against unfair and deceptive trade practices


Require commercial entities to disclose a security data breach concerning personal information about the state’s residents

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Exam Name: Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US)
Certification Name: Certified Information Privacy Professional CIPP-US - Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US)

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  • Total Questions: 150
  • Last Updation Date: 21-Jan-2025


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