Question # 1 When implementing Data Guard, BIG-IP ASM scans for suspicious patterns in? (Choose 2)
A. All client requests
B. All server responses
C. Specific client requests
D. Specific server responses
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B. All server responses
D. Specific server responses
Question # 2 Using IP Geolocation, an organization can always direct a client request from France to a datacenter in Dublin.
A. True
B. False
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Question # 3 With standard DNS, assuming no DNS request failures, which process describes the normal resolution process on a “first time” DNS request?
A. Client requests address from root server, root server returns IP address to Authoritative DNS, Authoritative DNS returns requested IP address, LDNS returns requested IPaddress to client.
B. Client requests address from LDNS, LDNS requests from GTM, GTM requests fromAuthoritative DNS, Authoritative DNS returns requested IP address, LDNS returnsrequested IP address to client.
C. Client requests address from LDNS, Authoritative DNS receives request from root server,root server returns LDNS address, LDNS returns client address, Authoritative DNSreturns requested IP address, LDNS returns requested IP address to client.
D. Client requests address from LDNS, LDNS requests from root server, root server returnsAuthoritative DNS address, LDNS requests from Authoritative DNS, Authoritative DNSreturns requested IP address, LDNS returns requested IP address to client.
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D. Client requests address from LDNS, LDNS requests from root server, root server returnsAuthoritative DNS address, LDNS requests from Authoritative DNS, Authoritative DNSreturns requested IP address, LDNS returns requested IP address to client.
Question # 4 Customers can purchase LTM as a stand-alone product, or layer it with additional software modules to increase the functionality of the BIG-IP device.
A. True
B. False
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Question # 5 The current status of a given pool member is unknown - Which condition could explain that state?
A. The member has no monitor assigned to it.
B. The member has a monitor assigned to it and the most recent monitor was successful.
C. The member has a monitor assigned to it and the monitor did not succeed during the most recent timeoutperiod.
D. The member's node has a monitor assigned to it and the monitor did not succeed during the most recenttimeout period.
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A. The member has no monitor assigned to it.
Question # 6 When initially configuring the BIG-IP system using the config utility, which two parameters can be set? (Choose two.)
A. the netmask of the SCCP
B. the IP address of the SCCP
C. the port lockdown settings for the SCCP
D. the netmask of the host via the management port
E. the IP address of the host via the management port
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D. the netmask of the host via the management port
E. the IP address of the host via the management port
Question # 7 GTM can sign a DNS response using DNSSEC only if the DNS request ...
A. Has the S-bit set.
B. Is a part of a DNSSEC zone.
C. Is for a Wide-IP name on the GTM.
D. Is answered by BIND running on the GTM.
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B. Is a part of a DNSSEC zone.
Question # 8 What is the purpose of the GTM Systems Address Exclusion List concerning local DNS servers?
A. To prevent probing of specific local DNSs
B. To prevent name resolution to specific Virtual Servers
C. To prevent name resolution for requests from specific local DNSs
D. To prevent probing of any local DNS servers by specific F5 devices
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A. To prevent probing of specific local DNSs
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