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OmniStudio-Consultant Practice Questions

Question # 1
Service agents must confirm customer contact information in the first step of a payment OmniScript. Contact information includes name, telephone number, mobile number, and email. None of the contact information on first step is required.
On the last step, after taking payment, the agent can optionally email the receipt to the customer. If the customer says yes, the agent selects a checkbox. If the agent selects the box but the email address field is empty, the process must require the user to return to the first step and enter the customer's email address.
What should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement?
A. Add a Set Errors element
B. Add a DataRaptor to retrieve the email address
C. Add a Validation Rule to the Contact object
D. Add a Conditional View to the last step

A. Add a Set Errors element

Question # 2
In an Integration Procedure, what group element will control whether an individual action executes?
A. Conditional Block
B. Cache Block
C. Try-Catch Block
D. Loop Block

A. Conditional Block


The group element that will control whether an individual action executes in an Integration Procedure is Conditional Block. Conditional Block allows the designer to specify a condition that determines whether the actions inside the block will run or not. Cache Block is used to store data in memory for later use. Try-Catch Block is used to handle errors and exceptions. Loop Block is used to iterate over a collection of data.

Question # 3
Agents for an insurance company need to know the current and past weather conditions when creating claims for customers. The consultant implements a FlexCard for weather conditions in the console to ensure the agents have access to the information. The FlexCard needs to provide fields extracted from a weather API and an account field from Salesforce.
According to best practice, what data source should be used?
A. Streaming API
B. DataRaptor Extract
D. Integration Procedure

D. Integration Procedure

Explanation: An Integration Procedure is the best data source to use for a FlexCard that needs to provide fields from both an external API and a Salesforce object. An Integration Procedure can combine multiple DataRaptor actions, such as Extract, Transform, and Load, and also invoke REST or SOAP services. This way, the FlexCard can display data from different sources in one place

Question # 4
A company needs to create multiple guided processes on their public website. The processes need to be style using the corporate branding kit. The corporate branding kit Includes guidance on colors, fonts, and icons. In addition, the website that the process will be deployed to has a style guide that dictates the format for radio buttons, slide bars, and other user interface elements. The company wants both the corporate branding kit at the website's style guide to be globally implemented in these new processes.
Which three OmniStudio features and tools should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?
Choose 3 answers
A. OmniScript
B. Custom Styles
C. OmnlOut
D. Newport Design System
E. FlexCards

A. OmniScript
B. Custom Styles
D. Newport Design System

Explanation: The three OmniStudio features and tools that the consultant should recommend to meet these requirements are: OmniScript, Custom Styles, and Newport Design System. An OmniScript is a tool that can design customer interactions using elements and actions. The consultant can use OmniScripts to create the guided processes for the public website. A Custom Style is a feature that allows applying custom CSS properties to an OmniScript or a FlexCard element. The consultant can use Custom Styles to style the OmniScripts using the corporate branding kit, such as colors, fonts, and icons. A Newport Design System is a tool that provides a set of predefined styles and components for building user interfaces. The consultant can use Newport Design System to style the user interface elements in the OmniScripts, such as radio buttons, slide bars, etc., according to the website’s style guide

Question # 5
A business has the following requirements:

• To display cases for an account

• The user should see all of the cases on the canvas

• The user should be able to create a new case from the canvas

The consultant decides to use states to enable this functionality.

Which type of state should the consultant recommend to allow users to create a new case from the canvas?

A. Active Card State
B. Blank Card State
C. Edit Mode State
D. New Card State

D. New Card State


The type of state that the consultant should recommend to allow users to create a new case from the canvas is New Card State. A New Card State is a state that allows creating new records in a FlexCard using an OmniScript or an Integration Procedure. The consultant can use a New Card State to enable users to create a new case from the canvas, by invoking an OmniScript or an Integration Procedure that writes data to the Case object in Salesforce.

Question # 6
A company has designed a process that extracts a large amount of data from a Salesforce object. Due to the volume of data that will be retrieved, it is important that Governor limits are not exceeded. What solution should the consultant recommend?
A. DataRaptor Extract with Chaining
B. DataRaptor Turbo Extract
C. Calculation Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract
D. Integration Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract

B. DataRaptor Turbo Extract


The solution that the consultant should recommend is DataRaptor Turbo Extract. DataRaptor Turbo Extract allows the designer to retrieve a large amount of data from a Salesforce object in batch mode without hitting governor limits. DataRaptor Extract is not suitable for this scenario, as it can only retrieve data from a single record or a small set of records. Calculation Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract are not needed for this scenario, as there is no calculation involved. Integration Procedure and DataRaptor Turbo Extract are not needed for this scenario, as there is no data integration involved.

Question # 7
A business needs a 360° view of their accounts, including a FlexCard to display all of the products sold to the account. The business identified 20 different data elements and 10 actions that users would need when view the product information. Once all of the elements are collected together on the FlexCard, it looks cluttered.
Which two FlexCard features should the consultant recommend to address this issue?
Choose 2 answers
A. Use a table or chart to display data
B. Use a flyout action to display additional information
C. Use a condition to hide data unless specific criteria are met
D. Put specific fields in a collapsible block

B. Use a flyout action to display additional information
D. Put specific fields in a collapsible block

Explanation: The two FlexCard features that the consultant should recommend to address this issue are Flyout and Block elements. A Flyout is a pop-up window that can display additional information or actions for a FlexCard. The consultant can use a Flyout to show more details or options for each product without cluttering the main FlexCard. A Block element is a container that can group related fields and elements in a FlexCard. The consultant can use a Block element with the Collapse property enabled to allow the user to expand or collapse a section of the FlexCard, such as specific fields or actions

Question # 8
When a customer calls to report a product issue, agents need to check all open cases related to that product to see if there are any solutions that can resolve the customer's issue. Products that have been purchased are stored as assets, and there is a lookup relationship from case to asset that allows cases to be linked to the products customers have purchased.
What type of DataRaptor can be used to retrieve a list of cases filtered by the customer's asset and the last service date of the asset?
A. DataRaptor Turbo
B. DataRaptor Extract
C. DataRaptor Load
D. DataRaptor Transform

B. DataRaptor Extract

Explanation: The type of DataRaptor that can be used to retrieve a list of cases filtered by the customer’s asset and the last service date of the asset is DataRaptor Extract. DataRaptor Extract allows the designer to retrieve data from Salesforce or an external system using filters and relationships. In this case, a filter can be used to match the asset ID and the last service date, and a relationship can be used to join the case and asset objects. DataRaptor Turbo is not a type of DataRaptor, but a feature that enables batch mode for DataRaptor Extract. DataRaptor Load is used to write data to Salesforce or an external system. DataRaptor Transform is used to transform data from one format to another using templates.

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Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant Exam (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Consultant OmniStudio-Consultant - Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant Exam

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  • Total Questions: 117
  • Last Updation Date: 30-Dec-2024


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