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OmniStudio-Developer Practice Questions

Question # 1
When launching an OmniScript from an action on a FlexCard, the OmniScript displays, but no Salesforce data is populated:

Which two errors could cause this behavior?

Choose 2 answers

A. The Id Field for Actions in the FlexCard is blank.
B. There is no active version of the Data Raptor Extract.
C. There isnonactive version of the OmniScript
D. In the DataRaptor Extract Action, the Input Parameters Filter Value is misspelled.

A. The Id Field for Actions in the FlexCard is blank.
D. In the DataRaptor Extract Action, the Input Parameters Filter Value is misspelled.


The Id Field for Actions in the FlexCard specifies which field from the FlexCard data source will be used as the record ID for the OmniScript. If this field is blank, the OmniScript will not receive any record ID and will not be able to retrieve any Salesforce data. In the DataRaptor Extract Action, the Input Parameters Filter Value determines how to filter the data based on the record ID. If this value is misspelled, the DataRaptor Extract will not be able to match the record ID and will not return any data.

Question # 2
A developer creates a FlexCard with five state elements. For of the stateshave a condition. To test the FlexCard, the developer previews it using sample data that causes two of the states to have true conditions. In this scenario, how will the developer know which state will display?
A. The first state with true conditions sequence closest to the top of the FlexCard canvas will display.
B. The first state with true nested condition, regardless of sequence in the FlexCard canvas, will display
C. The state sequenced first in the FlexCard canvas will display.
D. The first state witha true AND condition, regardless of sequence in the FlexCard canvas, will display.

A. The first state with true conditions sequence closest to the top of the FlexCard canvas will display.


According to the OmniStudio Developer Guide, “If multiple states have true conditions, the state that is closest to the top of the FlexCard canvas displays.” Therefore, the correct answer is A.

Question # 3
A developer is creating a FlexCard for a new Community page. The FlexCard will display case information along with actions to close the case and update the case, and it will be styled using the Community's theme.
What must the developer do to configure the FlexCard for deployment in acommunity?
A. Set the Deployment property in Card Configuration to "Community"
B. Add the FlexCard's API name to the FlexCard Player component
C. Set the Target property in Publish Options to "CommunityPage"
D. Configure the Component Visibility in the Custom Component

B. Add the FlexCard's API name to the FlexCard Player component

Explanation: The FlexCard Player component is used to display FlexCards in a community page. The developer needs to add the FlexCard’s API name to the FlexCard Player component to configure the FlexCard for deployment in a community.

Question # 4
A developer is configuring an integration Procedure Action in an OmniScript. The Omniscript needs a JSON response from the Integration Procedure but does not need to wait for the response for the user to proceed.
Which feature should the developer enable?
A. Toast Completion
B. Use Future
C. Invoke Mode Fire and Forget
D. Invoke Mode Non-Blocking

C. Invoke Mode Fire and Forget

Question # 5
An OmniScript displays data from an API using Integration Procedure, but someof thedata is missing. Which two configuration errors could cause this? Choose 2 answers
A. The element name for the missing data does not match the JSON node key in the Integration Procedure Response.
B. The Integration Procedure Preview Input Parametersdo notmatch the JSON sent from the OmniScript.
C. The JSOW sent from the Integration Procedure Action does not match any of the Original Input for the Integration Procedure
D. The missing data is trimmed in the Integration Procedure Action Response JSON Path.

A. The element name for the missing data does not match the JSON node key in the Integration Procedure Response.
C. The JSOW sent from the Integration Procedure Action does not match any of the Original Input for the Integration Procedure

Explanation: The element name for the missing data must match the JSON node key in the Integration Procedure Response, otherwise the data will not be mapped correctly. The JSON sent from the Integration Procedure Action must match one of the Original Input for the Integration Procedure, otherwise the Integration Procedure will not execute properly. The Integration Procedure Preview Input Parameters and the Response JSON Path have no effect on displaying data in OmniScript.

Question # 6
A developer needs to build a multi-step intake form. Each step must allow the user to cancel the intake at any time. The developer is using an LWC OmniScript to build the form.
How should the developer implement thecancel functionality for all steps using the LWC OmniScript Designer?
A. Check the Enable Cancel checkbox in the Setup tab under Cancel Options.
B. Add a navigation Action inside each step and set the Component name to ‘’Cancel’’,
C. Add a navigation Action outside each step and set the Element Name to ‘’Cancel’’,
D. Add a navigation Action inside each step and set the Element Name to ‘’Cancel’’,

A. Check the Enable Cancel checkbox in the Setup tab under Cancel Options.

Explanation: Checking the Enable Cancel checkbox in the Setup tab under Cancel Options allows the developer to enable the cancel functionality for all steps in the OmniScript. The user can cancel the OmniScript at any time by clicking the Cancel button in the top right corner of the OmniScript. Adding a navigation Action inside each step is not necessary and would clutter the OmniScript design. Setting the Component name or Element Name to ‘’Cancel’’ has no effect on enabling the cancel functionality.

Question # 7
In an OmnoScript, a developer needs to configure a Disclosureelement to require user input only if the user already checked a Non-Disclosure Agreement Checkbox.
How should the developer configure the conditional view to meet this requirement?
A. Show element if true
B. Disable read only if true
C. Set element to optional if false
D. Set element to require if true

D. Set element to require if true

Explanation: Setting the element to require if true allows the developer to configure a Disclosure element to require user input only if a condition is met. In this case, the condition is that the user already checked a Non-Disclosure Agreement Checkbox. The other options are either incorrect or irrelevant for this requirement.

Question # 8
A developer is creating a FlexCard and needs to display additional information using a Flyout. Which two types of components can the developer embed in the flyout? Choose 2 answer
A. An OmniScript
B. An Integration Procedure
C. A DataRaptor
D. A Child FlexCard

A. An OmniScript
D. A Child FlexCard

Explanation: An OmniScript and a Child FlexCard are both valid components that can be embedded in a flyout. An Integration Procedure and a DataRaptor are not components, but actions that can be performed within an OmniScript or a FlexCard.

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Salesforce OmniStudio-Developer Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer (SU24)
Certification Name: Salesforce Developer

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  • Total Questions: 84
  • Last Updation Date: 30-Dec-2024


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