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C_TSCM62_67 Practice Questions

Question # 1

What can you do if you configure only the account group when you define Account Groups and Field
Selections for Customers?


You can hide fields in the customer master.


You can create and add new fields to the customer master.


You can determine the account determination procedure.


You can define two number ranges per account group


You can hide fields in the customer master.

Question # 2

As a member of the project team, you are asked to set up the system so that a user has to enter an order reason
when he or she processes a sales order. It should be possible to save the incomplete order, but further
processing should not be possible until the Order Reason field is filled.
How do you implement this requirement?


Define an incompletion procedure with the Order Reason field and assign a status group in which the
General, Delivery, and Billing Document fields are selected.


Define an incompletion procedure with the Order Reason field and assign it to a sales document type
that has the "Incompletion Message" indicator set.


Define an incompletion procedure with the Order Reason field and mark it as mandatory.


Define an incompletion procedure with the Order Reason field, assign it to the sales document type, and set the status to "released for further process steps."


Define an incompletion procedure with the Order Reason field and assign a status group in which the
General, Delivery, and Billing Document fields are selected.

Question # 3

Which of the following is a prerequisite for using billing plans with down payments in an integrated SD-FI process?


The requested down payment is determined as a separate item in the sales order by using item category determination.


The standard billing type F2 must be used in the billing plan for the down payment.


A sales order must be created with a milestone billing plan that contains the required down payment
billing type and date.


A sales order must be created with an installment plan that uses terms of payment to control the down


A sales order must be created with a milestone billing plan that contains the required down payment
billing type and date.

Question # 4

What can be identified as the most likely reason for a delivery split in a collective delivery run?


The shipping conditions of two separate items in the sales order differ from one another.


The loading group of one of the items in the sales order differs from the others.


The sales order line items have the same route and the same shipping point, but different ship-to parties.


The physical weight of the total line items exceeds the capacity of the truck that is being used to deliver the product


The sales order line items have the same route and the same shipping point, but different ship-to parties.

Question # 5

Which of the following standard indicators influence the pricing procedure determination in a sales document?


Plant and customer pricing procedure


Account assignment group and material pricing procedure


Division and material pricing procedure


Distribution channel and customer pricing procedure


Distribution channel and customer pricing procedure

Question # 6

You are asked to enter special shipping costs in delivery documents, which will then be charged to the
customer on the invoice. What must you do to fulfill this request? (Choose two)


Ensure that sales prices and discounts are copied to the delivery.


Define and flag a condition type for freight costs for delivery usage.


Define and assign a pricing procedure to the delivery type.


Maintain the Price Source field in copying control between the delivery and billing documents at item


Define and assign a pricing procedure to the delivery type.


Maintain the Price Source field in copying control between the delivery and billing documents at item

Question # 7

Based on which of the following dates is the availability check (ATP) carried out?


Requested delivery date


Replenishment lead date


Material availability date


Goods issue date


Material availability date

Question # 8

Which of the following statements regarding partner determination are correct? (Choose two)


The origin of partners that are automatically determined during the creation of sales documents is
controlled using a condition type.


When you create a standard order, the permitted partners are automatically copied from the customer
master to the document.


In a partner determination procedure, all allowed partner functions are listed.


Partner determination procedures can be defined in sales documents at header, item, and schedule-line level.


When you create a standard order, the permitted partners are automatically copied from the customer
master to the document.


In a partner determination procedure, all allowed partner functions are listed.

C_TSCM62_67 Dumps
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SAP C_TSCM62_67 Exam Dumps

Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - Sales and Distribution, ERP 6.0 EhP7
Certification Name: SAP Certified Application Associate

SAP C_TSCM62_67 exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated SAP Certified Application Associate - Sales and Distribution, ERP 6.0 EhP7 exam questions answers. We keep updating our SAP Certified Application Associate practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 80
  • Last Updation Date: 3-Oct-2024


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